Sunday, 29 November 2015

Third Day of Filming

Directing Sam and Aayush for the conversation scene

As I had prepared myself for today's shoot by booking out the office for the day, this put my mind at ease knowing that we would not be interfering with any work going on around us. 

I am pleased to say that the third and final day of filming went phenomenally well as I captured all of the footage that I intended on capturing, despite most of the footage will be only featured within the director's cut of the project; it does offer the edit a lot more footage to utilise in regards to character development and story arches. We did however, decide to cut out lines of dialogue from the office confrontation between Aayush and Sam's characters as we felt that the scene can be trimmed down to flow more neatly but with the same emotional charge the script had.

Overall we concluded the shoot on a high note, all of us leaving the set satisfied at all of the great work we had accomplished that day; I am eager to leap into post-production and edit the shots together and compile a rough cut of 'A Lost Soul' which I will then identify all the various qualities the footage I shot has and begin to further construct my vision.

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