Monday, 9 November 2015

"Chappie" Review (Analysed)

"Chappie" Review Link here.

Chris Hewitt wrote a review on Neil Blomkamp's "Chappie" for Empire,  this was in fact a well rounded review that addressed all of the relevant areas of criticism a film review must address.

This review bares a well written structure that opens the reader with an insight towards "Chappie" and the film-maker within the opening phrase whilst following it within an introduction teasing his thoughts of the media product. Through his negative implications of the director third failed attempt to rekindle his talent; readers learn immediately that the product is a disappointment. 

The review does incorporate any images from the product, but instead within the different paragraphs decides to elaborate on his opinion of "Chappie" by depicting issues with the narrative and the film's overall message and ideas as it fails to follow the continue with the political statement seen within the film's opening. Chris Hewitt then elaborates on this further by discussing on how the film-maker failed to even go through with his own style seen in his other media products.

Throughout the rest of the review, Chris Hewitt goes on to discuss the other areas within the film such as; style, performance and concepts with the same structure within his review. Culminating for a well justified review that provides the reader with all of the essential elements regarding "Chappie" and the criticisms that follow it. 

This has informed my research in regards to what needs to be addressed within my own film review as I recognise all of the different areas that need to be addressed regarding: direction, characters, style, editing and performance. However the most important element is the structure of the writing, I must ensure that I follows the same principle as if it were a story; it has a beginning that teases what is to be expected, the middle and an ending that concludes all of my thoughts with justification.

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