Sunday, 8 November 2015

"Gone Girl" Review (Analysed)

"Gone Girl" Review Here.

Justin Chang has written a review for "Gone Girl" that features in "Variety". This review was very thorough regarding his criticism over the various elements of the film; addressing all that the reader should be informed through its well structured review. 

Throughout this review, there is a clear structure in regards to the way the Justin Chang has broken down his criticism of "Gone Girl" as he opens with a brief statement discussing the film's overall premise; following with an introduction to his review as he established his basic thoughts on the film.

With his review, Justin Chang utilises different fonts in order to visually distinguish the difference between the information behind the cast and crew; followed by a entirely font for the review itself. This allows for a significantly far more presentable review as readers can recognise and then categorise the different content to read.

As for the review itself, it was very explicit regarding the way Justin Chang has allocated separate paragraphs to address a particular area of the film. Within the review, he addresses areas such as: David Fincher's direction, film's editing, performances and the dynamics within particular scenes.

On the most interesting aspects of this review is how Justin Chang as integrated the other media products the film-makers has previously made; comparing what elements the film-maker has continued to infuse within this media product.

Overall this film review has informed me regarding my knowledge and understanding of film reviews, as I should include the past media products that the cast and crew have previous produced. This should be included within my own film review in order to provide reader with an insight to the film-makers involved but also to compare the film-maker against their existing work in order to identify areas they flourished or failed.

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