Monday, 21 March 2016

Final Colour Grading & Sound Mixing (Editing Session #5)

Within my 5th editing session, my main task was to finalise the colour grade and sound mix of my media product. The overall colour grade and sound mix if good, however there are some sequences that need to be edited further.

In regards to the colour grade, there was a small aspect that needed to worked on and that was the sandwich shots; in previous drafts the colour of the shot and the sandwich has differed from the rest on the sequence and the shots to follow. In my previous drafts, the sandwich had appeared green which was off as the sandwich was made from brown bread; this was a result of the shot consisting on a blue tint and affecting the sandwich's colour overall.

Colour grade from "Rough Cut #4"

How I approached the colour grade is by revisiting the old treatments of the shot to help me understand what I had previously done with the shot in order to aid my decisions when making changes to the new edits.

For this colour grade, I edited the shots individually and edited them from scratch. I used RGB curves to adjust the various colours within my shot, reducing the amount of green and blue in order to return the brown colour into the sandwich.

Final Version

As for the sound mixing, there where moments within the media product that had no ambient sounds which made the sound feel empty. In order to fix this, I added background noises from the machines within within the basement in order to make the sound feel organic but also make sense to the mise en scene.

But after all of these adjustments have been made, my product is finally complete as I have made all of the adjustments and changes to believe the product I believe is of high quality and I am satisfied with my final cut as it presents my original vision; now it is ready to been seen.

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