"TUCK ME IN" is a minute long short-film based on a comment from the social network 'reddit'. The film is based on the relatable phobia children have of believing that monsters live under their bed; it is the parent's duty to check their child's bed every night before they sleep to ensure them that there are no monsters under their bed so they can sleep peacefully. However this thrilling short-film hints as a chilling notion that their child my in fact have a monster in their room.
Within the story of "TUCK ME IN" Alex asks his father to check under his bed for monsters, his father indulges his son and looks under his bed only to find Alex, another Alex hiding under the bed stating that there is someone in his bed.
I found this product simple yet engaging as it utilised very simple shots to tell a tense idea that is relatable amongst a universal audience. The director has used shots to give the audience insight into the character, examples of this is with the opening shot of the boys door revealing his name "Alex" strung across the door. Informing the audience of the boy's name as well as the location the story will be taking place; causing the audience to has an idea on the mise en scene of the location as it takes place in a little boy's bedroom.
Another creative aspects about the direction of the short-film as it does hint that there is another presents already in Alex's room before his father entered the room. As his father walks into Alex's bedroom, we get a shot taken from under Alex's bed. Connoting that there is something lurking under the bed. Later in the sequence , as the father leave the room ; there is a shot that reveals a family photo of Alex with his mother and father. This is an important piece of information that the director wanted the audience to know , as it states that Alex is an only child. Some have speculated that the "monster" in Alex's bed in merely his twin brother. However this is highly unlikely as this shot justifies that Alex has no siblings and that the father would have logically known if his wife gave birth to twins.
Comment from 'Reddit' which the film is based on.
Overall I found "TUCK ME IN" to be a very engaging short-film with very interesting choices for direction and is something I hope to achieve with my own project.
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