Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Introduction into 'Advanced' media

As we continue our journey through media and now expanding our knowledge of the subject; we have begun by learning about the various options of tasks and briefs that we can choose to do as apart of our coursework to establish our ability to demonstrate skills that we have learnt from AS. Our knowledge and understanding of media products will be tested within this task as we must; plan,execute and evaluate our own media product.Within each media product, they will require us to use a form of video/music editing software such as 'Adobe premier' or 'Garage band' as well as 'Photoshop'; these skills will be asked of you and put to the test in order for us to successfully complete the selected task to achieve the highest grade possible.    

throughout the first 3 weeks of this course, we have been asked to produce a document on the 3 different briefs that we may choose to produce as our media product. Within this document, we are expected to explain each individual task in regards to what is the given criteria asks of you and evaluate the entire task supported with past work from previous students as well as your overall opinion of the brief; in order to support your judgement on why you may or may not want to choose a particular brief. This is to help us as the students help gain a more in depth understanding of not only what we can expect from the next year in media but most important what is expected from us. 

This task will most certainly be a beneficial tool regarding my performance in this course as it will provide me with the chance to mentally prepare myself for the extensive amount of work that will be expected of me throughout the duration of this course.

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